Product mockup

unity in diversity hoodie


This design was created to symbolize humanity united through the circle, representing harmony, and its multiple petals, illustrating diversity in all its forms. Genders, races, religions, cultures, and more. Each element finds its place in this perfect balance.

By wearing this hoodie, you’re doing more than making a fashion statement, you’re sharing a message of tolerance and inclusion, bringing differences together into one unified humanity.

Product mockup

please be nice not racist hoodie

Just human

This design is a powerful reminder of a simple truth: we are all just human, and we are all equal. No labels, no divisions. Just unity, respect, and shared humanity.

Wear this hoodie as a symbol of inclusivity and kindness, and let it speak for what truly matters.

Product mockup

please be nice not racist long sleeve

Just human

This design is a powerful reminder of a simple truth: we are all just human, and we are all equal. No labels, no divisions. Just unity, respect, and shared humanity.


unity in diversity cap


This design was created to symbolize humanity united through the circle, representing harmony, and its multiple petals, illustrating diversity in all its forms. Genders, races, religions, cultures, and more. Each element finds its place in this perfect balance.

Wear this cap as a symbol of unity, diversity, and the power of humanity.